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The Orchard Community Trust home page The Orchard Community Trust home page

Orchard Community Trust

We're a Multi-Academy-Trust, based in Stoke-on-Trent.

Together we learn,
grow and achieve

We are a Multi-Academy Trust, based in Stoke-on-Trent.

Together we learn,
grow and achieve

A Warm Welcome

Orchard Community Trust is fully committed to improving the life chances of all children, wherever they may be. This moral obligation, our mission, does not end at the school gates, within our own Local Authorities, or even within our own country. Where we have the capacity to make a difference, we are morally bound to do so and would wish to make an impact on the lives and education of children and young people within and beyond the Trust by reaching out to other schools for the sharing of best practice and by offering expertise and support

Welcome Play
  • Abbey Hulton Logo
  • Etruscan Primary Logo
  • Forst Park Logo
  • Kemball School Logo
  • Oakhill Primary Logo
  • St Marks Logo
  • Watermill Logo

Together we learn, grow and achieve.

How We Can Help

Children Centred

Our Trust focuses on the needs of all pupils and we work hard to ensure all achieve to the best of their abilities. Pupils are at the heart of all that we do and always come first. The focus on an ambitious curriculum in all of our schools ensure that pupils are engaged, motivated, excited and want to know more about their world


We strongly believe that collaboration and partnerships are essential if our schools are to succeed. It is by working together to share best practice, create new ideas and to do our very best that we enable our staff and pupils to succeed


Support at all levels in our schools is a priority. Whether it is support for staff, Governors, pupils or other schools beyond our Trust. The support we give is well planned and based on need. We use our own schools and external schools to support our development and to help shape our future plans


We aim to create exciting and informative opportunities for all within our Trust. Pupils are provided with a wide range of curriculum opportunities through which they learn about the world around them. Staff and Governors engage in a huge range of CPD and development programmes, helping them to make sure that they take every opportunity to be the best that they can

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The Orchard Community Trust home page


Community Trust

Contact Us

Governance & Compliance Officer, Orchard Community Trust, Genesis Centre,

North Staffs Business Park, Innovation Way,

Stoke on Trent, ST6 4BF

Company Number : 11620282

Registered in England