Our Vision & Values
Our vision
As a Trust, we strive to create an inclusive environment that values diversity and equality, where all beliefs are respected. We are committed to providing our children with an exceptional education, inspiring them to cultivate a love of learning and empowering them with a strong foundation to thrive and accomplish their goals in life.
Moral Purpose
Orchard Community Trust is fully committed to improving the life chances of all children, wherever they may be. This moral obligation, our mission, does not end at the school gates, within our own Local Authorities, or even within our own country. Where we have the capacity to make a difference, we are morally bound to do so.
Our moral purpose and our focus and determination are centered on the following:
Our Trust
Orchard Community is a Stoke on Trent based Multi-Academy Trust. The name for the Trust was devised by year 6 Pupil at Forest Park Primary School who won the competition for naming the Trust. His idea for the name is based on the fact that schools resemble orchards. He says that “Children are like trees and plants, requiring some attention in order to grow better. Teachers are like gardeners and with their support, the trees will blossom and bear fruit. The word Orchard also reminds us that trees are all different in colours and have different usefulness, similar to children’s futures, which are shaped in schools, which I call orchards”.
We currently have five Primary schools, two Special schools and two Associate schools in our MAT.
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees, the board that oversees the running of the Trust, meets twice each term, and is supported in its work by the Clerk to the Board. The Board consists of 11 Trustees. Headteachers are also invited to all Trustee Board meetings and committee meetings.
Each of our MAT schools has a Headteacher and a Local Governing Board. Responsibilities are delegated to each of these via the Trust’s agreed scheme of delegation. All Members, Trustees, Headteachers and Governors share the vision, mission and moral purpose of the Trust.
Staff at our academies have the opportunity to participate in our full range of training programmes and to work with each other via networks and groups across the MAT. These are effectively led by both Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers from our schools.
Opportunities are given to all staff to engage in a range of high quality CPD and career development programmes. We also fully recognise the talents and skills of staff and volunteers in our schools and are fully committed to the development of all staff in the MAT. Our range of staff expertise is shared across our schools via collaborative working to ensure best practice is celebrated and made available to all. The philosophy of school to school support, challenge and collaboration is at the heart of the way Orchard Community Trust will operate and succeed.
Orchard Community Trust MAT believes that education is a preparation for life and in the spirit of inclusion, respect and safeguarding we seek to prepare each child to face life beyond the school with confidence, skill and ability to be resilient, to cope and thus to succeed:
Within our Trust Primary and Special Schools:
- We aim to set high standards for personal behaviour and self-regulation, and to promote courtesy, cooperation, consideration and respect for other people of all ages, gender, races, cultures, abilities and backgrounds.
- We aspire to deliver exciting and quality learning experiences in safe, secure and happy environments.
- We endeavour to achieve the very highest standards in every aspect of school life, by making the most efficient use of all the resources available.
We work in partnership with schools to ensure that all of the learning needs of the diverse range of children and young people we serve are effectively met via high quality provision, great leadership and outward facing developments.
All staff, Members, Trustees, Governors, volunteers, parents and carers have a duty and responsibility to be encouraging and supportive of each other. All of our schools have a “can do” culture and fully collaborative ethos.
Everyone associated with the Trust and its schools is expected to aim for excellence in their individual professional roles.
In the best traditions of the profession all staff are prepared to go the extra mile to provide the best possible education for their pupils. The interests, opinions and voices of the children are paramount and guide all that we seek to do and achieve.
We have a responsibility to ensure that every moment a child is in an Orchard Community Trust school that they enjoy learning and strive hard to achieve well and fulfil their maximum potential.