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Orchard Community Trust

We're a Multi-Academy-Trust, based in Stoke-on-Trent.

Together we learn,
grow and achieve
Together we learn,
grow and achieve

Forest Park Primary School


Forest Park Primary School


Forest Park Primary School is a culturally diverse, larger than average two-form entry school, with approximately 466 pupils on roll from Nursery - Year 6. The school is located in an area of Stoke On Trent which is one of the highest ranked on the deprivation index, making our school population very vulnerable. The school has a higher than average number of Pupil Premium pupils.


The school population includes 18 ethnic groups; with 35 different languages spoken by the families. Our core purpose is to improve the prospects of our pupils by providing a high quality education which meets the needs of each individual child, allowing them to reach their full potential.


We aim to build the skills, knowledge and positive attitudes necessary to help all of our pupils to become responsible, respectful and tolerant British citizens of the future. The school firmly puts the needs of its pupils first-striving to ensure that all pupils at Forest Park feel happy and safe. This is reflected in its design of the curriculum, which is designed with knowledge at its heart, and aims to develop children’s understanding of the world around them.


The Forest Park Primary curriculum is customised to meet the local needs of its learners, achieving this through the celebrations of the heritage of the pupils and by building a CulturalCapital to help prepare the children for the next stage of their education

Forest Park Primary School

Uploaded by Orchard Community Trust on 2023-02-09.

The Orchard Community Trust home page


Community Trust

Contact Us

Governance & Compliance Officer, Orchard Community Trust, Genesis Centre,

North Staffs Business Park, Innovation Way,

Stoke on Trent, ST6 4BF

Company Number : 11620282

Registered in England