Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SEND Strategic Plan
At Orchard Community Trust we have produced a 3-year strategic plan which focuses on the vision for SEND across the Trust.
This is reviewed annually.
SEND Strategic Plan
Graduated Offer
SENCOs within Orchard Community Trust have come together to create their own Graduated Offer. This document details our core offer in all schools, specifying what pupils and their families can expect provision to look like if they attend one of our schools.
Graduated Offer
Peer to Peer Support Offer
By becoming a member of Orchard Community Trust schools have access to shared expertise and knowledge across all our schools. This directory, divided into the 4 main areas of need, details the support we can offer to each other. Alongside this document, each school has their own additional strategies and interventions that are specific to their own school. Details of these are shared during our half termly SENCO meetings, meaning that support can be delivered across the MAT.