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Orchard Community Trust

We're a Multi-Academy-Trust, based in Stoke-on-Trent.

Together we learn,
grow and achieve
Together we learn,
grow and achieve

St Mark's CE Primary School

St Mark’s CE Primary School


St Mark’s is a large inner city primary school located across two sites in the heart of Stoke on Trent. We have 465 children on roll with 420 children at our main site and 45 children at our Nursery class, which is situated in Thomas Boughey Children’s Centre. Our school is a nurturing and inclusive Church of England (Aided) primary school welcoming children of all faiths and those with no faith.


Many of our families come from different cultures and backgrounds, and we have a large number of children who speak English as an additional language. We are committed to keeping children safe and ensure that everyone who comes to St Mark’s feel welcomed and valued. Our school’s mission statement of ‘Loving to Learn, Learning to Love’ encompasses the school’s moral purpose in ensuring that all children respect themselves, one another, their education and their community.


Our children receive a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum that enables everyone to flourish.  It is based upon the National Curriculum and it is designed so that knowledge, skills and vocabulary are built upon over time. There is a strong emphasis of building on prior knowledge and learning to ensure each subject creates its own narrative. We want our pupils to be able to do more, know more and remember more by the time they leave the school. In addition to this, we work hard to develop our children’s cultural capital and endeavour to offer them a variety of enriching experiences.


We are a welcoming, inclusive and nurturing family where everyone feels loved, safe and valued. Children and staff are proud to be recognised as individuals and we celebrate our diversity. Everyone learns to love and care each other in a supportive Christian environment, with aspirations to make a difference to the world we live in.

St Mark’s CE Primary School

Uploaded by Orchard Community Trust on 2023-02-09.

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Community Trust

Contact Us

Governance & Compliance Officer, Orchard Community Trust, Genesis Centre,

North Staffs Business Park, Innovation Way,

Stoke on Trent, ST6 4BF

Company Number : 11620282

Registered in England