Admissions Policy
All schools in the Academy Trust follow the LA admissions policy and these are published on each schools’ individual website.
Please visit the school websites for further details. To apply for a place at one of our Primary Academies, then please call the individual school office for further details and an application form or visit Stoke on Trent City Council Website where applications can be made online.
In the case of admissions to our Special Schools, the Trust will adhere to the LA policy for admissions to Special Schools in line with the SEND Code of Practice and National Guidelines. Again, details of each of our two Special School Admissions policies can be found on their individual websites.
The admissions policies on each school website will be published in advance of each academic year and in advance of the admissions round for applications for that academic year.
With regards to admissions arrangements, the academy complies with the ‘School Admissions Code’ and ‘The School Admissions Appeals Code’.
Please see our individual school websites for their up to date admissions policy
For full details of these codes, please visit:
When can I appeal my child’s school place?
Please click on the following link to view the appeals timetable: